
Nikolay Angelov

Guest lecturer


Nikolay Angelov, Ph.D. is a member of the Administrative Law Working Group of the European Judicial Training Network and a lecturer in the network.

Since 2012, Dr. Angelov has been an Administrative Judge at the Administrative Court of Sofia City, and from March 2023 until the present, he has been a seconded judge at the Supreme Administrative Court. He is the author of several books, including:


  1. “International Jurisdiction” Part I, dealing with the topic “Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters within the EU”
  2. “International Jurisdiction” Part II, dealing with “European Enforcement Grounds, European Payment Order, European Small Claims Procedure, European Insolvency Regulation”, Ed. Phenea, 2009.
  3. “Injunction proceedings in Bulgaria and the EU”, ed. Siela, 2010.


He actively participates as a lecturer at numerous national and international events and trainings:


– Lecturer in seminars for training magistrates on human rights protection, organized by the National Institute of Justice;

– a three-week course on protection against discrimination in Sofia, Bulgaria. A three-week course on discrimination against women, organized by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee in cooperation with the National Institute of Justice.

– Participation in the drafting of a training manual on human rights for junior magistrates under the project “Improving the Administration of Justice in the Field of Human Rights Protection” of the American Agency for International Development;

– Participation in preparing the Practical Guide to the Judicial Enforcement of Fundamental Human Rights in the framework of a twinning project with the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary and the NIP/2007/ and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism/2014/.

– Lecturer in numerous seminars for the training of magistrates in European Union law organized by the NIP on the subject of ”Jurisdiction, recognition, and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters: the Brussels I regime”; ”European Enforcement Grounds”; ”Injunction proceedings”.

– Participation in training trainers on ”Judicial cooperation in civil matters in the EU”, organized jointly with the European Institute of Public Administration, Antena Luxembourg.

– Participation in a distance learning course organized by the Spanish School for Magistrates on “European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matters” and participation in the final stage of the course in Barcelona, Spain.

– Participation as a lecturer in the First National Conference of Magistrates in Bulgaria on “Jurisdiction, recognition, and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters: the Brussels I regime”.

– Participation in a seminar on the application of the EU Anti-Discrimination Directives, organized by the European Academy of Law in Sofia, Bulgaria. Trier, Germany, and lecturer at the Academy

– Participation in the NIJ delegation at the Conference of the Institutes of Justice in Trier, Germany. Budapest, Hungary, dedicated to European Law Training in EU Member States

– Lecturer before the Legal Committee of the European Parliament on the applicability and effectiveness of interim and protective measures in civil and commercial matters 2010

– Lecturer at the Centre for Lawyers’ Training “Krustyo Tsonchev” at the Higher Bar Council on “Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters within the EU”, Legal Specifics of the State’s Liability for Damages for Breach of EU Law, Protection of Personal Data under Regulation 679/2016d

– Lecturer at the Chamber of Private Enforcement Officers on “Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters within the EU”

– Participated in a seminar organized by the European Patent Academy in Brussels The seminar was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on practical training of national judges on the European Patent Convention.

– trainer of a team of Bulgarian magistrates participating in the Conference of Junior Judges and Prosecutors of the European Union on the Application of European Law in National Legal Systems, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Bucharest, Romania

– Participated in a seminar organized by the European Patent Academy, in Bucharest. Munich, Germany, on practical training of national judges on the European Patents Convention

– participant in a seminar organized by the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, on competition law within the European Union

-Participated in practical training of national judges in Alicante, Spain, organized by OHIM, related to the application of European regulations concerning the registration and protection of trademarks.

-Participated in a Summer Course on European Tax Law at the European Academy of Law in Sofia, Spain. Trier, Germany /2013/

-Participated in the Summer Course on European Social Law at the European Academy of Law in Trier, Germany. Trier, Germany /2021/

-Lecturer at the European Academy of Law on Effective Remedies under ECJ case law

-Lecturer at the European Judicial Training Network on the themes: State liability for damages for breach of EU law; European Social Law; Preliminary ruling procedure