To fulfill the objectives, the project includes the following actions:
– Preparation and teaching of course on Personal Data Protection in EU and Third Countries
– Preparation and organization of 2 roundtable which will gather not only students and academic
society, but also other specialised audiences- businesses, Bulgarian Commission of Personal
Data Protection, BAEL, NGO and Public Sector to discuss and debate on the topic.
– Preparation of series of practical assignments and playing role games in view for the students
to design their own Privacy Policy and be introduced to the different parties in the Data
protection circle (Administrator, DPO, subject of personal data, Processor, Public Authority
etc.) .
– Research activities on Data Protection Theory and practice.
– The invitation of Data protection guest lecturer/s per year, who is/are expert/s in Personal Data
protection and its impact within EU and concerning Third countries.
– Preparation and dissemination of the research results through the participation in 3 national or
international academic conferences and/or 7 publications in peer-reviewed journals.