Judge Nikolay Angelov,Ph.D. gave a public lecture on “Protection of personal data in the EU and third countries” at the Faculty of Law and History, SWU ‘Neofit Rilski’
On April 24, 2023, a public lecture was held by Nikolay Angelov, Ph.D. a judge in the Administrative Court of Sofia-city, on the topic “Protection of personal data in the EU and third countries” at the Faculty of Law and History at SWU ‘Neofit Rilski’. The lecture was organized within the framework of the “European Data Protection: Post pandemic effects and new dimensions” (EDP-PPEND) project, which is implemented with the financial support of the “Erasmus +” Program 2021 – 2027, an action under the “Jean Monnet” initiative in the field of higher education.
During the lecture, Judge Angelov touched upon the topics of the rule of law, the role of the court in a democratic society and the right to protection of personal data and privacy. A review and analysis of the jurisprudence of the Bulgarian courts and the EU Court in the field of personal data protection was carried out. Judge Angelov commented on the leak of personal data from the NRA’s information systems in 2019, as well as the lawsuit proceedings initiated by individual data subjects with requests for compensation for material and non-material damages suffered.