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European Data Protection: Post pandemic effects and new dimensions

Jean Monnet Module, Project No. 101047808, co-funded by the European Union, implemented at South-West University "Neofit Rilski"

Our Major Tasks

Personal data protection in the EU and third countries

One of the main aims of the course is to reveal the historical background of the necessity of personal data protection and its regulation within European and, subsequently, national legislation.

One of the main aims of the course is to reveal the historical background of the necessity of personal data protection and its regulation within European and, subsequently, national legislation.

Theory and Philosophy of Data Protection

Another main aim is to study the theory and philosophy of European and national legislation on personal data protection and their free transfer.

Essence of Data Protection

Another main aim of the course is to reveal the essence of personal data protection, to clarify and specify the ideas and the concept of personal data protection of individuals, and the free transfer of these data.

Use, Storage and Destruction of Personal Data

Disclose and justify the relationship between the obligation to protect personal data and its lawful processing, use, storage, and destruction.

Similiarities and Differences in Data Protection in EU and 3rd Countries

The course aims to study the main similarities in the processing, sharing, and protecting personal data within the EU and between Member States, third countries, and international organizations.

Our Main Activities

Modernization of our curriculum in the programme of Law

Jean Monnet Module on Data Protection, which aims to update the curriculum in Law following SWU internal rules and national accreditation requirements through the preparation of course materials and teaching a 3-year course on Data protection in EU and Third Countries (45 academic hours of lectures and 15 academic hours of practice work per year) to approximately 90–120 students.

Attracting experts from the practice

The Jean Monnet Module on Data Protection will feature a series of guest lectures delivered by renowned experts in the field. These guest lectures are designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by presenting real-world scenarios and current practices in data protection.

Intensive Research on Data Protection

The project encompasses comprehensive research activities focused on the theoretical and practical aspects of data protection. This initiative is aimed at deepening our understanding of data protection laws, policies, and their implementation across different jurisdictions.

Research Team:
A dedicated team of six researchers will be engaged in this activity. These researchers, selected for their expertise and experience in data protection, will conduct an in-depth study of both national and international data protection practices.

Scientific and Educational Forums on Data Protection

As part of the Jean Monnet Module on Data Protection, we are organising two one-day public roundtables. These events are being held at South-West University and serve as platforms for open discussion, knowledge exchange, and the sharing of best practices in the field of data protection.

The Project actively promotes and supports these European values

1. Respect of Human Dignity and Human Rights

The project promotes the fundamental right to privacy, which is enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

3. Democratic Process

By involving a wide range of participants, including students, academics, professionals, and the public, the project promotes democratic engagement and participation.

5. Equality

  • Equal Access to Knowledge: The project ensures that all participants, regardless of their background, have access to high-quality education and discussions on data protection. This promotes equality in educational opportunities.
  • Non-Discrimination: By emphasizing the importance of data protection for all individuals, the project supports the principle of non-discrimination. It highlights the need to protect everyone’s data equally, regardless of nationality, gender, ethnicity, or other status.

7. Solidarity

Collaborative Learning: The project encourages solidarity among participants by fostering a sense of community and shared purpose in addressing data protection challenges. Collaborative learning and knowledge exchange help build a supportive network of professionals and academics.

2. Freedom of Expression

By encouraging open discussions and research on data protection, we contribute to the free exchange of ideas and knowledge.

4. Transparency and Accountability

The focus on data protection aligns with the principles of transparency and accountability, which are vital for democratic governance. Educating future legal professionals on these principles helps ensure they uphold these values in their careers.

6. Respect for Diversity

Comparative analysis of national and foreign data protection practices respects and promotes diversity in legal systems and cultural approaches. This understanding fosters mutual respect for and appreciation for different perspectives and solutions.

8. Inclusion

By opening events to a broad audience, including international participants, the project supports a diverse and inclusive dialogue on data protection issues.